Bug Bounty

Elevate Your Cybersecurity with our Innovative Bug Bounty Platform - Identify and Fix Vulnerabilities Before Hackers Do

What is a bug bounty?

A bug bounty is a program advertised by an organization or company to find security bugs in their website, applications, or software. These bugs are reported to the organization, which in turn usually offers a reward, or "bounty" if you like, to the person who finds the bug.

Bug bounty programs aim to help build more secure products and services and to prevent possible data theft or hacking attacks.


Utilize the expertise of a global community of ethical hackers for continuous testing

Mitigate your company's risk of security vulnerabilities by identifying weaknesses early

Prepare for external IT security audits by demonstrating a commitment to identifying and resolving vulnerabilities

Avoid costly data breach scandals and fines by proactively testing your systems

Stay competitive by joining the ranks of the world's top companies that utilize bug bounty programs

Test your systems before going live and continue to stay up to date with evolving threats

Choose from our flexible and customizable program options including public, private, on-site, and vulnerability disclosure programs

Tailor the program to your specific needs and budget by defining the scope, access, management, and processes

Each year, tens of thousands of companies fall victim to cybercriminals.

Don’t let this happen to your firm!

Join us and be hackproof!

How to start?

Starting a bug bounty program with us involving the following steps:

  • Define the scope of the program

    This includes identifying the systems and applications that will be included in the program, as well as any specific rules or guidelines for testing.

  • Set up the program parameters

    This includes determining the program's scope, access, management, budget, and processes. You can also choose from different bounty models such as public, private, on-site, or vulnerability disclosure.

  • Launch the program

    Once the program is set up, you can launch it and start receiving vulnerability reports from researchers. Our platform allows you to connect with a network of highly skilled security researchers who are incentivized to find and report vulnerabilities in your systems.

  • Review and triage reports

    Our platform provides a pre-verification on reports and an easy-to-use interface for reviewing and triaging reports, allowing you to quickly identify and prioritize vulnerabilities. Once vulnerabilities are identified, our team will work with you to understand the findings and provide recommendations on how to fix them.

  • Acceptance and payment

    Once the vulnerability report has been accepted, the ethical hacker who carried out the investigation will be paid the specified reward. We manage the whole process for you, so you can focus on what's important to you.

Get pre-validated and good-quality reports only!

Each of our services contains the validation of the bug reports before sending them to your company. Thus, you will get only pre-checked and good-quality reports. You don’t have to have extra FTEs for this on your side: you can allocate resources to fix the vulnerabilities right away!

Want to try it out?
Let's schedule a demo

See also the description of our bug bounty service, where you can also find the different types of programs.